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Learn more about DWI law in Houston

Whether it’s ‘driving under influence’ or ‘driving when intoxicated’ there are consequences especially when you are caught. Of course you won’t get caught if you are lucky. But the statistics are right to say that cases recorded for DWI every year are very many. The police are out there to do their work, and they will find you even if it’s your first time to drive when drunk. On your own, you are likely to suffer rough consequences. With a lawyer though, things are likely to be a lot milder. Lawyers understand the legal procedures for DUI cases and they have helped many drivers before. Right from the moment you are arrested till the time you undergo trials, you should be having a DWI lawyer Houston to take care of your case.


Most of the accidents around the US are caused by drivers who don’t know what they are doing. They are simply not themselves. The police in every state including Texas are working to catch drivers who are driving while drunk or under the influence of any drug. They don’t just accuse a person based on nothing. They have their equipment and mostly the breathalyzers that measures the level of alcohol taken and whether it exceeds the safe limit. Urine and blood tests can also be used as it is with some states. No one will force you to take the tests though. But that will come with consequences and long legal procedures.

The penalties

Different states have different penalties for DWI offenses. However, you can expect some similarities including;

  • Cash – it will be the first thing to lose. Lots of cash fines are imposed on DWI victims as it is treated as negligence. You are risking your life and the lives of other road users. On top of the fines, you will pay the attorneys who represent you as well as the court costs.

  • Jail time – it’s the second penalty and the worst. Leaving all your business and family is something you will have to do. Jail time for DWI is inconveniencing in all ways you might think of. If you are lucky, you might be called for community service.

  • License revocation – losing your license is not something you want to do. Renewing it comes with cash payments.

  • Increased insurance rates – nobody wants to insure a car where the risk of damage is high. A driver who drives under the influence of drugs needs only a second to cause a nasty crash.

Penalties can be even harsher if the offenses are more. In the occasion that a person is dead or injured as a result of a drunk driver, the driver will have to pay for compensation.

Legal help

Sometimes, the accusations can be false. In such cases, your selected DUI attorney Houston will work to ensure that your innocence is acknowledged in court. Where you are guilty, the same professionals will try to mitigate the penalties so that you don’t suffer much as it could have been without any legal assistance.